Tennis Elbow

Lateral Epicondylitis, also known as lateral tennis elbow, is caused by a microscopic injured tendon that often results in pain when patients play tennis or other racquet sports. This can happen due to repetitive motion, overuse, and stress to the arm muscles and tendons in the forearm muscles. The condition causes pain and a burning sensation around the outside of the elbow area. Although common in tennis players, symptoms of tennis elbow can occur in almost any individual regardless of the activity.

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Whole staff took top notch care of me!

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Tennis elbow can develop over time and may cause pain around the elbow joint, inhibit mobility, and weaken wrist muscles. Gripping a tennis racket, golf club, tools, or a drinking cup may become difficult due to tennis elbow pain and even impair the ability to complete tasks or play sports. Patients may experience radiating pain in the ulnar nerve and grapple with a limited range of motion. We offer to treat tennis elbow with surgery for relieving tennis elbow pain. If non-surgical treatment fails to help alleviate tennis elbow symptoms, minimally invasive outpatient elbow surgeries at a reputable surgery center may be recommended.

Tennis Elbow Surgery

Tennis elbow surgery may be performed in an outpatient setting using a minimally invasive approach. Patients can often return home the same day. The minimally invasive surgery may have differing focuses; an elbow joint replacement will focus on the elbow joint, while other surgical procedures will target the ulnar collateral ligament. After the procedure, the elbow will be placed in a splint that enables the use of the hand. Some discomfort, pain, and limited mobility should be expected for a few weeks after surgery. Recovery after surgery often depends on the size and severity of the injury and the patient’s overall health. Participation in physical therapy is recommended to help strengthen and restore the elbow’s mobility.

What You Need To Know About Tennis Elbow

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What You Need To Know About Tennis Elbow

You don’t need to be an athlete to have tennis elbow. Despite its name, only a small portion of patients with the condition are tennis players. And regardless of whether you’re an athlete or sports aren’t your thing, there are treatment options available at our office in Naples, Florida. Knowing more about this condition can help you make the most…


Schedule a Consultation

While tennis elbow surgery provides many benefits, not every condition is treatable with this approach. Dr. Goldberg can help assess and determine the best treatment options for you, and if you may be a candidate for tennis elbow surgery. Schedule your appointment today with one of the most experienced elbow surgeons in the Southwest Florida area!

Can non-tennis players get tennis elbow?

Yes, tennis elbow can occur in anyone that uses their arms.

How do you know if you have tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is usually a pain on the lateral or outer side of the elbow that occurs when grasping. One of the most frequent symptoms is pain when reaching for a cup of coffee. Most of the time, the pain is not severe but it is frequent and annoying and can persist for a while.

What triggers tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is usually caused by repetitive over-use, especially in people who do a lot of forceful grasping, such as people holding a tennis racquet, lifting hand weights or manual labor.

Can tennis elbow heal on its own?

In most cases, tennis elbow can improve with non-surgical treatment and time.

What is the best way to fix tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow can be treated a number of ways, both surgical and non-surgical. The vast majority of clients are initially treated with rest, occasionally ice and anti-inflammatory medication. In some cases, people may also use a tennis elbow brace, also known as a counter-force brace, at the elbow, while other people have had success using a brace that immobilizes the wrist.

What happens if tennis elbow goes untreated?

While not a dangerous condition, it is annoying and can interfere with how comfortably you can do daily living activities and hobbies.

How long does tennis elbow last?

It varies but can persist for many months, in cases smokers frequently have cases that last longer.

How can you tell the difference between tennis elbow and golfer's elbow?

Tennis elbow is caused by microscopic tearing of the tendons that attach to the lateral or outer side of the elbow and occurs mostly when lifting the wrist in an upward motion. Golfer's elbow is a similar condition occurring to the tendons on the inner or medial side of the elbow and occurs more with wrist flexion and pronation.

How can you tell the difference between tennis elbow and bursitis?

Bursitis is a swelling that occurs on the back or posterior side of the elbow and is an accumulation of fluid usually caused by inflammation. While some people do not like the appearance of bursitis, it is generally not a dangerous condition and requires no treatment unless it is painful or causes symptoms.

Will an MRI show tennis elbow?

Yes, often this is done in more long-standing cases if surgery is being contemplated to rule out other conditions that may have been overlooked in the diagnostic workup.

How long is tennis elbow recovery after surgery?

Typically, when surgery is performed, most people can return to light activities in 8 to 12 weeks.

Should I wear a brace for tennis elbow?

While it has not been proven to help everyone, many people do find improvement by wearing a counterforce brace at the elbow or a brace that immobilizes the wrist. Both of those have been shown in some cases to take pressure off the elbow.

What kind of surgery is done for tennis elbow?

Surgery for tennis elbow usually involves making a small one-to-two-inch incision on the outside of the elbow and removing the torn and diseased tendon adjacent to the elbow bone, or humerus. The healthy tendon is then reattached to the bone. In some cases, this is done arthroscopically with small instruments with a few poke holes in the elbow.

When should I consider surgery for tennis elbow?

Surgery is considered in long-standing cases of tennis elbow when conditions do not improve for many months, especially when it is interfering with basic tasks of everyday living.

Are there other non-surgical options, besides anti-inflammatory medication and rest, for tennis elbow treatment?

Physical therapy exercises can help strengthen and stretch the forearm muscles and provide relief. In addition, there are also alternative biologic options that your surgeon can explain further in an appointment.