Most people will have shoulder pain at some point in their lifetime. Sometimes, shoulder pain is caused by sore muscles due to overuse. Usually, ice, rest, and over-the-counter pain medications can resolve this type of pain. However, if you’re experiencing shoulder pain that doesn’t get better with time, you should schedule an appointment to see your orthopedic doctor.

Your shoulder has several moving parts that must all work correctly together. The long bone of the upper arm, which is called the humerus, is rounded on top. This rounded top fits into a socket made up of the clavicle (collarbone) and scapula (shoulder blade). Surrounding the shoulder joint is a group of tendons and muscles called the rotator cuff, which provides the shoulder’s stability and smooth movement. When any one of these shoulder components becomes injured, it can cause pain and decreased range of motion.

Common Shoulder Injuries and Conditions

The shoulder is a complex joint that must be able to move in many different directions. But, because of the shoulder’s vast range of motion, that means it can be unstable. This instability can lead to painful shoulder conditions or injuries. Here are just a few shoulder conditions that should be assessed by your orthopedic doctor:


As you age, the cartilage and bones in your shoulder can degrade due to years of wear and tear. Arthritis of the shoulder can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. This pain can progressively get worse over time.

Rotator Cuff Tear

This is a common shoulder injury and is usually the result of a fall or overuse of the shoulder. A rotator cuff tear can be a partial tear which means there is a small rip or fissure in the muscle or tendon, or there may be a complete tear in which the tissue is torn all the way through.

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

This is a painful condition in which the tendons of the rotator cuff become inflamed. Shoulder impingement syndrome can result in reduced range of motion, pain, and shoulder weakness.

Six Shoulder Symptoms That Mean You Should See an Orthopedic Doctor

If you’re not sure what the problem might be, then having any of the following symptoms are a good indicator you should set up an appointment with your doctor:

• You have persistent shoulder pain lasting longer than a few weeks.
• Your shoulder pain does not go away despite home treatments such as over-the-counter pain medicines and ice or heat treatments.
• Your shoulder pain keeps you awake at night or wakes you up at night.
• You notice an obvious deformity in your affected shoulder.
• You can hear a clicking, popping, or snapping sound in your shoulder when raising your arm or throwing something.
• You find it difficult or painful to reach behind your back, cross your arm across your body, or raise your arm above your head.

Schedule a Consultation with Naples Orthopedic

Dr. Steven Goldberg, M.D. at our office specializes in shoulders and sports medicine. We offer a variety of invasive and non-invasive treatments for shoulders, elbows, and knees. If you or a loved one suffer from shoulder pain, fill out the online contact form today to request your appointment with Naples Orthopedic.