Living with shoulder arthritis can affect your daily activities. Shoulder problems are the third most common musculoskeletal problem patients report to their doctors. If you’re experiencing persistent shoulder pain and limited mobility, it might be time to consider advanced treatment options. In Naples, Florida, Dr. Steven S. Goldberg and his team at Naples Orthopedic are
Posts Categorized / Shoulder Pain
At What Age Should You Have a Total Shoulder Replacement?
Many people with chronic shoulder pain will eventually ask themselves, “when is it the right time to have shoulder replacement surgery?” There are many factors involved in that decision, and age is only one of them. If your quality of life is suffering, then you should discuss with your doctor. Other factors, such as the
Shoulder Pain: When Should I See a Doctor?
Most people will have shoulder pain at some point in their lifetime. Sometimes, shoulder pain is caused by sore muscles due to overuse. Usually, ice, rest, and over-the-counter pain medications can resolve this type of pain. However, if you’re experiencing shoulder pain that doesn’t get better with time, you should schedule an appointment to see